Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Wildcat Self Storage located?
Wildcat Self Storage is located at 8351 Sloan Circle, Godley, TX 76044.
What are the office hours?
The office is unmanned. Call us at (817) 736-1246 to speak with a manager.
When can I access my storage?
Access your belongings 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Is the facility safe and secure?
The facility is always safe and secure using 24-hour video monitoring, personalized coded entry, and perimeter fencing.
Do you offer climate-controlled storage units?
We offer secure and affordable climate-controlled units. These units are perfect for anyone who wishes to store environmentally-sensitive items long-term.

How do I pay my storage bill?
Pay your storage bill online using a debit or credit card or pay directly from bank account.

What types of parking spaces do you offer?
Our state-of-the-art storage facility has indoor parking spaces for RVs, boats, and vehicles.